2/14/08: Failing Friendship
It was about time I after a few years of reading webcomics that I begin one of my own. I wasn't sure where to start because I wouldn't pride myself as the best cartoonist, but I did have a few good jokes in mind. So what better place to start than evolved stick figures?
Even if I could draw something more advance, to me, it would require a much more complex humor. But my aim in this comic is just take random thoughts and musings from my head and scribble something out of it. That is why such simplistic drawing style appeals to me because it helps my joke a lot more.
The creation of Deadend came out of some gripings about being single. So I drew a few strips about it and after rereading them, I thought I find a form I could stick with.
I feel comfortable and I hope you enjoy reading them much as I enjoy creating them.
Deadend is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.